Last month marked 57 years since Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech. August 28th, the people took to Lincoln Memorial to speak out against criminal justice and racial equality in the "Get Your Knee Off Our Necks" March organized by Activist Rev. Al Sharpton.

In his speech addressing the thousands that gathered, Rev. Sharpton's warns Congress to pass the George Floyd Policing and Justice Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Act. He shares, "Until there is Federal Legislation, every state will do what it wants to do. We have passed in the House of Representatives, the George Floyd Policing and Justice Act. Now we need to pass that act in the Senate. We need Mitch McConnell and the US Senate to meet on the George Floyd Policing and Justice Act or we gonna meet you Senators at the poll November 3rd whether we got to mail in, walk in, ride in, crawl in. We. Want. Our. Bill. Passed."

Yolanda Renee King, granddaughter of Martin Luther King, Jr., addressed the crowd with unshakable power, directly recruiting her peers to join in pledging that "we will be the generation that moves from 'me to we'.". She said "Great challenges produce great leaders. We have mastered the selfie and Tik Toks. Now we must master ourselves." She continues, "Genuine equality is why we are here today and why people are coming together from all across the world, from New Zealand to New Jersey. He said we must not forget the days of Montgomery, we must not forget the Sit In Movement. We must not forget the Freedom Rides, the Birmingham Movement and Selma. Papa King, we won't!"
Ms. King gives us so much hope for the future, but she also reminds us that we all have a part in this fight for equality. That we must move from "me" to "we."
Relation to housing:
We know that racism has a huge part in the history of housing discrimination and fair housing law today. We may have come a long way on paper in fair housing rights and equality among races when buying or selling in the real estate market. But reality is, we still have so far to go.
The consequences of racism in the real estate industry are enduring. The effects of redlining, blockbusting, steering and other means of discriminating against Black people and POC years ago have largely contributed to segregating neighborhoods and maintaining a lop sided status quo. And truth is? These forms of discrimination are still seen today. That is why we have HUD.
In fighting for Black Lives, we are fighting for Black social equity: the rights and powers of Black people to equally operate and move through society on all fronts. Including an equitable right to fair housing.
How to support:
Watch the march and speeches.
Donate to the cause.